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With the turnover of Michigan’s legislature from a Republican majority to Democrat, and a re-elected Democratic Governor, we expect to see initiatives in the coming months to focus on “worker rights” that favor labor unions and could harm our employees, our businesses, and ultimately the people we serve.
Other home and healthcare associations have made clear their intent to bring bills to the newly Democrat-led legislature that will impose new licensure and regulations on businesses in Michigan’s in-home care industry.
MICA opposes unnecessary licensure and the fees that go with it, and will work on your behalf to ensure consumer protection, maintain industry standards and professional ethics, support your employees and proactively include YOUR VOICE in any effort to change our industry in Michigan.
As owners of Michigan-based in-home care companies, it is essential that we have a respected Michigan-based association that has our backs and will monitor policy and regulatory issues that could hurt or help us.
Without MICA, there is NO organization focused solely on the needs of Michigan’s in-home care industry. Our volunteer Board of Directors, members, and professional lobbyists have worked together for the last 14 years to build relationships of mutual respect and trust with leaders and policy-makers in Lansing. We are well-positioned to represent you and to protect your interests.